85% of women who have unprotected sex, even occasionally, get pregnant within a year. Those odds are not in your favor if you’re not ready to have a child.
An Annual Well Woman Exam Is Important At Any Stage Of Womanhood
An annual well woman exam is important at any stage of womanhood. Women who are twenty-somethings and women who are post menopausal plus everyone in between can benefit from a well woman exam.
March 2020 Newsletter from South Bay OBGYN
March Awareness March is National Multiple Sclerosis, Colorectal Cancer, Endometriosis and Trisomy Awareness month. Many illnesses that we at SB OBGYN are here to assist you with.
February 2020 Newsletter from South Bay OBGYN
National Cancer Prevention Month Cervical Cancer Awareness month has come to a close; February brings us to National Cancer Prevention Month.
January 2020 Newsletter from South Bay OBGYN
Welcome the New Year by focusing on your well being!
December Newsletter from South Bay OBGYN
The Holidays are upon us… We wish all good tidings!!!
November Newsletter from South Bay OBGYN
Halloween Treats, No Tricks!!! We celebrated the holiday with staff and physician participation; whether we are an elephant, the You can Do it,
Preventing Breast Cancer in Your Everyday Life
Do you wake up every morning thinking about preventing breast cancer in your everyday life? We seriously doubt it, but if you are someone with a higher risk for breast cancer due to your family or your age,
New Website Launch
We are proud to announce the launch of our new website.