How Annual Well-Woman Exams Help You Live Better And Longer

We’ve all been there. We know it’s time for our annual gynecology appointment, but we feel just fine. We have no issues, our period is right on time and seems normal. No complaints, so why take the time to go through another doctor appointment? Let’s explore the serious reasons of how annual well-woman exams help you live better and longer.

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Postpartum Care: Tips for Physical and Emotional Recovery

It’s what you have been waiting for. Maybe it’s been years waiting for this wonderful moment to give birth to your child. You are exhilarated, emotional, happy, but also tired. You’ve been through a monumental physical exercise, so your body might be telling you to slow down. How can you do that? Let’s dive into our postpartum care tips for physical and emotional recovery. 

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Your Guide to Pregnancy After 35

It’s no secret that many women are waiting longer to begin a family. They want to accomplish some personal goals like completing their graduate degrees or reaching professional milestones. They make the decision to put pregnancy on the back burner, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t serious about wanting a baby. They know it would have been easier to get pregnant in their twenties, however, they recognize that it is still doable. If that describes you, here is your guide to pregnancy after 35.

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Postpartum Rage Is More Common Than You Think

The nine months of waiting are finally over. The baby showers are behind you, mother and mother-law have gone home, visitors have left, and you are finally alone with your little bundle of joy. Of course you have heard of the baby blues and how those raging hormones can affect a new mom, but you have never heard about the anger and erupting rage you are feeling. It scares you. Postpartum rage is more common than you think.

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High Breast Cancer Risk: When to Begin Screening

Some people will debate whether too much of a good thing is a good thing. We say yes, it’s especially a good thing when talking about screening for high risk breast cancer. It is recommended that women with a high breast cancer risk screen for breast cancer earlier and more often than women with a normal breast cancer risk. For those women with a high breast cancer risk, when should you begin screening?

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A Beginner’s Guide to Hormone Replacement Therapy

Just when you think your finished with the hormone discomforts and premenstrual symptoms, menopause comes through. And unfortunately, with menopause comes another wave of hormone discomforts. Fortunately, with the help of your OBGYN and hormone replacement therapy, women can find relief. Here is your beginner’s guide to hormone replacement therapy.

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What to Expect While Recovering From Vaginal Delivery

Two-thirds of babies born in the United States are through vaginal deliveries. You have always heard that this type of delivery is easier than a C-section, especially the recovery. Since every woman is different, and many vaginal deliveries can take hours or even days, it can vary from woman to woman, but there are common things to be aware of. Here’s what to expect while recovering from vaginal delivery.

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